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Visiting Batu Luang & a stop over at Tempurung Seaside Lodge

hi there, how's your weekdays? hope you have a pleasant day throughout the weekdays. last Thursday, mr.Husband has things to do in Kuala Penyu, and he tagged we all to go with him. The weather was quite good, though last few days we received quite a lot of rains. no down pour on our way and thank you Allah for making the weather cloudy not too hot without raining.  

Batu Luang & a stop over at Tempurung Seaside Lodge

after mr.Husband finished his things-to-do in Kuala Penyu, we decided to visit Batu Luang, I heard Batu Luang is one of a good spot to view sunset plus a nice place to visit for photos taking for a photographers. so we went there to check it out by ourselves to see the amazing-ness of the place.

Batu Luang & a stop over at Tempurung Seaside Lodge
this is the only 'markers'
there is no specific signboard for BATU LUANG
once you saw this 'markers', the BATU LUANG is on your right hand side  

where is Batu Luang? Batu Luang located in Kg. Tempurung, it is about 1 KM further up (on your right hand side) from the Tempurung Golden Beach Resort after the Tempurung Primary School. 

we went to Tempurung Golden Beach Resort about 2 weeks ago, and wrote about the place in my previous entry, click Kampung Tempurung to read.

Batu Luang & a stop over at Tempurung Seaside Lodge

photo taken from uphill, the Batu Luang is downhill, you need to park your car uphill, and walk few metres down to the beach to see the Batu Luang.

Batu Luang & a stop over at Tempurung Seaside Lodge

this two hills side by side is the welcome entrance. it seems like these two are the parents or guardians to the little Batu Luang. there is a legend story about this Batu Luang, and few bloggers has blogged about it. and the stories are almost the same, it is about a bride who trapped under the cave and his bridegroom and the villagers tried to save her, but their effort were futile, so the bride 'sealed' under the cave forever.

Batu Luang & a stop over at Tempurung Seaside Lodge

the beach covered with round pebbles. lil' Iman couldn't take his eyes off the pebbles! as if like he never saw pebbles. he keep saying "mommy, see...see.." pointing at the pebbles. lil' Iman took few medium size pebbles and throw it to the sea. 

I told him the sand will feel sad if he threw the pebbles away coz the the sand has no friends to sleep with together, so he stopped and said "poor sandy has no friends" .... 

ugh! you know when you have kids, if you asked them to stop throwing by saying NO, they won't listen, unless you tell them using the word that they will easy to understand.

Batu Luang & a stop over at Tempurung Seaside Lodge

sturdy branch laid on the pebble bed. see the rocks / pebbles next to lil' Iman? someone put it there. it looks like a symbol of something. so I google it, and found this.

so I guess the arranged rocks next to lil' Iman saying "this is the trail" ... someone who put it there, must have knowledge about boys/girls scout things. 

Batu Luang & a stop over at Tempurung Seaside Lodge

a VERY EPIC POSE of him!

i'm dying waiting mr.Husband to make this 'SARANGHAE POSE' with me. he declined me when I asked him to do it, but on the day we visited Batu Luang, he DID it, finally! oh OK. not with me, but with our little son lil' Amin, but STILL i feel happy at last he did it! 

mr.Husband, you are awesome. so next time, ensure to have this kinda pose with ME ok. let's do it together. LOL.

Batu Luang & a stop over at Tempurung Seaside Lodge

my three men were sitting together, but lil' Iman was too obsessed with the pebbles around him. he really can't let go the pebbles. our two little darlings. none of them can pose properly and focus with the camera. erk! 

few stunning photos taken by mr.Husband below. 
let the photos speak for themselves. enjoy viewing everyone. 

Batu Luang & a stop over at Tempurung Seaside Lodge

Batu Luang & a stop over at Tempurung Seaside Lodge

Batu Luang & a stop over at Tempurung Seaside Lodge

Batu Luang & a stop over at Tempurung Seaside Lodge

after spending about 30 minutes here in Batu Luang, it's time to say GOODBYE. on the way walking back uphill to our car, lil' Iman still can't let the pebbles / rocks off. oh please my lil' Iman, we can't take all the pebbles here with us. this is their home.

Batu Luang & a stop over at Tempurung Seaside Lodge

the closer look at one of the hill. please be careful if you guys wanna take photos close with any of these two hills, the rocks from the hill are quite loose, and could easily fall anytime. lil' Iman quite a dramatic boy. he pretends slipping few times. actually he tried his best to persuade us not to go back yet. huh!

Batu Luang & a stop over at Tempurung Seaside Lodge

close up view of the condition of the trail.

Batu Luang & a stop over at Tempurung Seaside Lodge

another scenic view from uphill.

we continue driving a bit further up the road to see what the countryside view looks like.

Batu Luang & a stop over at Tempurung Seaside Lodge

a good condition abandoned bus stop

Batu Luang & a stop over at Tempurung Seaside Lodge

a small church

Batu Luang & a stop over at Tempurung Seaside Lodge

a little mosque

after finished driving for sight-seeing the countryside, we intend to get our lunch. the kids feel hungry after the walking at Batu Luang, and hey it's lunch time. so we went down back to find a good spot for lunch.

before we went out earlier, I managed to make our bento meal for save cost yeah.

Batu Luang & a stop over at Tempurung Seaside Lodge

we saw a signboard of Tempurung Seaside Lodge and Nagapuri Beach, so I suggested to mr.Husband we should stop by at this place, who knows we can get a nice place for lunch.

Batu Luang & a stop over at Tempurung Seaside Lodge

this is the Tempurung Seaside Lodge, located at the hilly side facing the Tempurung Beach

Batu Luang & a stop over at Tempurung Seaside Lodge

we thought we can eat here in the park, the signboard clearly stated PRIVATE PROPERTY NO TRESPASSING. so never break the rule. ngee.

pretty benches under the tree facing the sea, a nice place for lunch, isn't it?

Batu Luang & a stop over at Tempurung Seaside Lodge

this is the Nagapuri Beach, but it has no benches and no access to go nearer to the beach.

since we have not found any suitable place to eat our lunch, we went to Sawangan Beach. 

showing off my 'click-to-go' , LOL.

click to go tupperware

I packed our lunch meal in this nice 'click to go' Tupperware container. I bought it few months ago, the price is affordable, and I love the easy-to-assemble design.

will update you our LUNCH TIME at SAWANGAN BEACH in the next entry post.

wish you have a pleasant day, and enjoy reading my post about this BATU LUANG.


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