How Foster Carers Can Build a Support Network

Looking after children is incredibly rewarding, but it can sometimes be stressful. Having a support
network helps you to deal with this stress so that you can be a better carer. Your support network
can also become an extended family for the children in your care, enriching their lives and giving
them access to better opportunities. Here’s a look at some of the things that you can do to build
your support network.

people build support network for foster carers

Keep Family and Friends in the Loop

While you will make new friends and connections during your fostering journey, your existing friends
and family will also make an essential part of your support network. Make sure you keep them
updated on your journey, right from your decision to apply to your time with the children in your
care. Remember, these friends and family members will also become an extended family for the
children in your care, and you should introduce them as soon as they are ready.

Make Plans to See People

It’s easy for life to get in the way of relationships when caring for children. Make sure you’ve always
got a plan to see friends and family members and don’t leave your last meeting without having the
next booked in. If you can, try to stick to a regular day and time to make it easier.

Spend Time Doing Grown-Up Things

Much of your time will be spent with your foster children, but time with your friends alone is also
essential. This time will help you unwind and destress and give you time to remember your identity.
Inviting them over for a takeaway once the kids are in bed is ideal if you can’t get out.

Reach Out to Foster Carers Online

There’s a whole community of foster carers out there who could become an invaluable part of your
support network. Even if you only ever talk in forums or on social media, they’ll have plenty of
advice and shared experiences and give you an understanding ear.

Take Part in Events for Foster Families

If you are fostering in Scotland, there are plenty of events and activities for foster carers to enjoy.
Check events in your local area and try to attend what you can. If there aren’t any, consider
arranging something for yourself and including other foster carers. These events can be a fantastic
way for you and your foster children to meet other foster families, make friends and learn from each
other’s experiences.

Get to Know School Run Parents

Other foster carers will be necessary, but parents can also make great friends and understanding
supporters. If your foster children are at school or nursery, try to chat with other parents and get
involved in school events.

Find Other Ways to Make Friends

Making friends as an adult can seem complicated, but don’t be scared to say hi to people at the gym
or while out walking. You could also join clubs and groups in your local area, either with the kids or

Building a support network is a great way to reduce stress, make new friends with shared
experiences, and get the support you need to enjoy your fostering journey.


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Info Ibu Hamil & Bayi | Resepi Viral | Motivasi | Malaysia Blogger Influencer & Content Writer

"Life is not always beautiful and perfect, but as long as you are happy and grateful, life will always be perfect and beautiful"

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  1. Ada banyak cara dan tips bolej kita buat ya. Baru tau. Tq share

  2. kerja paling susah nih. bukan boleh buat sambil lewa kena perihatin kena lebih alert... sesuai entry ni dibaca oleh semua pengasuh. ibu² di rumah pun wajib baca

  3. Totally agree with you that good reliable support system absolutely important for taking care kids, thanks for this useful info. Cheers SiennyLovesDrawing

  4. thank you for sharing kak pip. Betul apa yang akak tulis ni barulah rasa stress tu berkurangan. Kalau pandai urus, insyaAllah pelan² jadi makin okay nanti


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