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To Sawangan Beach Thru Coastal Road

hi there, how's your day everyone? last few weeks, we spent some of our time adventuring ourselves in Kuala Penyu, and our 1st location was at the Kg.Tempurung Beach

coming out from Kg.Tempurung Beach, we continued our journey via the coastal road for just sightseeing. and here some of the photos that we managed to take outside the car window.

To Sawangan Beach Thru Coastal Road

stunning blue sky

To Sawangan Beach Thru Coastal Road

we saw momma pig crossing the road

To Sawangan Beach Thru Coastal Road

gravel road and this beautiful view on your right

I really wanted to stop here for selfie, but the lil' Amin was sleeping on my lap 

To Sawangan Beach Thru Coastal Road

taking this road all the way will lead you to the Sawangan Beach

the airfield at Kg. Tenambak

don't you know Kuala Penyu has an airfield?
however, I'm unsure if this airfield still in use or not.
probably for heli or light aircraft landing previously.

To Sawangan Beach Thru Coastal Road

the herd is happily grazing in not-so-an-open-meadow 
enjoy your lunch everyone

To Sawangan Beach Thru Coastal Road

just drive few more minutes to reach the Sawangan Beach

To Sawangan Beach Thru Coastal Road

Sawangan Beach is just few more metres away

Sawangan Beach

this is one of the main entrance gate to Sawangan Beach, 

the entrance looks so 'pale',

we came here last year for a short hangout,
click sawangan beach if you wanna see the inside place  

anyone need a place for overnight stay?

Sawangan Beach

here in Sawangan Beach, if you need a place to stay for a nite or two.
can always walk-in to this
Sawangan Resthouse.

Sawangan Beach

speaking of Sawangan Beach, not much beach activities you can do here.
you can still swimming but it's not encourage during high tide.

see the jetty?
that's the new jetty, previously it was built up from timber,
and now it has been replaced with a concrete jetty but much shorter than before.

if you love fishing, bring you fishing rod and try your luck,
who knows you might get big snapper here, LOL.

Sawangan Beach

the view of the jetty from a distance

the Sawangan Beach has a potential to become a tourist attraction in Kuala Peny. The place is very easy to reach from the Kuala Penyu town. and it has ample parking space outside the gate for visitor to park their car. 

however few things need to be improved here such as the picnic areas need to be well-maintained and well-cleaned. The grass to be trimmed short and I guess the whole gate need to be repainted and repaired.

besides that, toilet and shower areas need to be enlarged or newly added since the existing one is too small to occupy many visitor and ensure water supply always sufficient.

and if there is an existence of small food/drinks stall here, it will be an added advantage since not all visitors who come here bring their own food/drinks.

wishing some day, this place will get better and will drive many tourists/visitors to come here.

so, that's the end of our very little adventure of sightseeing in Kuala Penyu.


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