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Tips That Will Help You To Stay Safe When Using Your Phone

بِسْمِ اللَّهِ الرَّحْمَنِ الرَّحِيم 

If you have a phone and you feel as though you are at risk of getting hacked, or having your phone stolen then you are not alone. So many people are in the same situation as you are right now, but if you follow this guide, you will soon find that it is easier for you to protect your phone and your private information.

Secure your Phone

The first thing you need to do is try and secure your phone. Make sure that you are using a strong password, or a PIN so you can make sure that you are always putting your phone’s security first. Don’t leave your phone unattended and be sure not to leave it out of sight either. This is especially the case if you are out in public. At the end of the day, it’s also wise for you to try and use multiple protection methods on your phone, such as facial ID. This is great when used in combination with a PIN code, as it means if your phone is ever stolen, they won’t be able to get access to everything, including your internet banking as facial ID is required for apps like this.

Backup your Data

Another thing you need to do is try and back up your data. Backup your phone data regularly so you can make sure that you are not losing everything should something happen. You can plug your phone into a computer to do this and when you do, your photos, texts, or other forms of data will be saved securely. It doesn’t take a lot to do this but it could make a drastic difference to how safe your phone is and whether or not you can recover what you need. Remember that things like this don’t just protect you from hackers, they are a good way for you to protect yourself against things like water damage too, so be mindful of that.

Update Software

Install updates the moment they are released as most of the time they contain security fixes. You may also find that certain bugs and glitches are also patched, which makes it easier for you to keep your phone safe. As time goes on, hackers will always try to find new ways to gain access to your phone and this can result in you being vulnerable if you do not carry out the required updates. If you want to do something about this then be sure to update your software and make sure that you are not overlooking the importance of checking for important upcoming updates. If you know that there is a security flaw with your phone software then rather than waiting for it to be patched, take extra measures to protect yourself.

Use a VPN

Another thing you can do, if you want to keep your phone safe, would be for you to use a VPN. The main benefit of using a VPN is that it means you can change your phone’s location. It also means that it is much more difficult for people to hack you as well, so you need to keep this in mind if you can as it is a bit of a deal breaker when it comes to your phone’s security. Look up how to change IP on iPhone online if you have this device, or look up how to change it on Android so you can get the result you’re hoping for.

Don’t Use Public WiFi

You also need to make sure that you are not using public WiFi where possible. At the end of the day, public WiFi can be very insecure and this is especially the case if you are in a public place like a cafe. Hackers often hang around establishments like this as it gives them a chance to find out all of your information without looking suspicious. If you absolutely have to browse using the internet and you are in a public place then one thing you can do is try and use your phone’s data. If you do this then you will find that you have a much more secure connection and this will benefit you overall.

So as you can see, it’s very easy for you to get the result you want out of your phone’s security, and if you simply take a few extra steps you will soon find that your phone is not only more secure, but that your data is more protected as well so be mindful of that.


"Life is not always beautiful and perfect, but as long as you are happy and grateful, life will always be perfect and beautiful"

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  1. ada pernah dgr juga kak pip kalau pakai public wifi phone atau any device akan sng kena hack..takutnya..


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